Sports Camps
As young girls we were told many times that only boys could play sports. With the support of my family we were able to push through the barriers that others placed on us. We believe that sports, along with a winning mindset can be an avenue out of poverty. This coupled with discipline can propel these young athletes to achieve their goals.
- Andrea + Gaby
For three years, Gaby partnered with Russell Baptist Church in Green Cove Springs, Florida have held The Gaby Crook Sports Camp, where 40-50 kids come and learn soccer, leadership skills and about the Bible.
Andrea did tennis clinics in 4 of the most impoverished neighborhoods in Tegucigalpa. We had a total of 755 kids come through our tennis clinic ages 5-10. For many of these kids it was their first experience with tennis, the majority of them had never even heard of tennis much less had the opportunity to play it. The smiles were abounding and the laughter contagious! Not only did the kids have a great time but so did we.
We have also partnered with Cornerstone University and Friendship Sports, to have both of their soccer teams travel to Honduras where they have hosted soccer camps.