Special Need Orphanage

A cause that is dear to our hearts is the special needs orphanage in El Hatillo. The orphanage is located 10 minutes from where we lived in Honduras. It houses children that have been abandoned because of their special needs. Being special needs in a third world country presents very difficult challenges for the child as well as the parents. Through the years mission teams in collaboration with The Humuya Inn have served the children as well as the much overlooked and overwhelmed caretakers. With the needs of this orphanage being massive we focus on helping a little at a time knowing that our efforts are not in vain. We seek to show the children that they are not forgotten and through us that God has not forsaken them.

“A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in his holy dwelling.”

Psalm 68:5

Franklin getting a brand new wheelchair with his name!


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